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Thursday 29 March 2012

Madrid to Leon

28th March 2012, I didn't sleep very well in the room even though it was a comfortable bed and that I had walked around the beautiful city of Madrid for a few hours before to try to tire myself out, lots of weird traffic and city sounds coming from outside my room in the street below, I almost jump out of the bed after hearing the screeching sounds of a jackhammer as my wake up call from outside, the shower was warm and welcoming the complimentary clean and white hotel towel was also a welcome luxury, getting out of the room at 10:15 i negotiate my way to the main train station via the underground system and a few misdirection's so by the time I get there and then que up to buy my ticket I have only 4 minutes to find the platform and then board the train to Leon!. I make it with literaly seconds to spare, good job I decided to skip the coffee stop on the way. It's so different being back here in Leon now it's Spring, the weather is lovely it's sunny and warm the temp today is 20 degrees. I have decided to stay in the central albergie as opposed to the municipal one further back along the path, more because it's central and because it wasn't open the last time I was here.I'm apprehensive but am looking forward to tomorrows walk now. I decide to follow the big crowd in the reception of the albergie and go with them all and get a blessing from the Nuns at the local Monastery before I head tail and turn into my sleeping bag for the night.

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