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Sunday, 1 April 2012

1st April 2012

Astorga to Rabanal del Camino 27,582 steps on my stepometer. I leave the city at about 8am just as the sun rises where the path drops down and over a bridge over the A6, there is quite a few pilgrims on the path today and when I can see for a distance I see then spread out for a few miles, I stop in a lovely bar/albergie in a village called Santa Catalina de Somoza and buy a bottle of cold water to drink, here many pilgrims have also stopped for a break too, after my refreshment I head along the path, it's hot today but I bought a new hat yesterday that has a piece of cloth around the back to protect my neck, I feel and probably look like a French foreign leigonare. This path today is stunningly beautiful about 13ks of nature walking in amongst the forest and hills to reach my destination for the day, I am staying in the hostel run by the London based confraternty of St James, I am the first pilgrim to stay here this year as it has only just opened today after being shut for the winter, I'm greeted by a very friendly Scottish hospitallera.

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