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Sunday 15 January 2012

Itero de la Vega to Carrion de los Condes

Itero De La Vega to Carrion Des Condes 49,400 stepometer. woke up today at 7:30 and it's freezing cold in the albergie outside of my sleeping bag so I very quickly get dressed and pack my bag up and haul out the room,the freezing fog is very close today,I have a quick coffee and croissant and head out of town with all that I have in my bag to wear on.theres ice floating all around me in the air and visibility is about 50ft but the path is flat and the stones underfoot are small so I'm blessed.I suddenly see two huge foxes one chasing the other across the field ahead of me,they run across the field so fast!. A little while later I see a huge bird of prey flying about 20ft up in the air and making a screeching sound.about 8ks into the walk I reach a canal and follow this for a while and by this time all my clothes have a thick dusting of ice on and I look like an ice man now.soon I reach a town called Fromista and find a bar and stop for lunch of some tasty hot paella,I also find a pharmacy and treat myself to some silicon insoles for my boots which have the instant effect of cushioning my sore feet so I decide to push on another 5ks to the next village called Poblation de Campos here I decide that I can still Walk on its now 3:10pm I figure it's another 13ks to the next town so plod on and listen to my music for a while it's 5.50 when I reach this town. Called Villalcazar de surga only to find all the accommodation shut,ad I'm walking into town I see a small sparrow on the road not looking well so I Picked the bird up and put into the warm pocket of my jumper,theres a bar in the village so I quickly have a hot chocolate drink and a huge slice of tortilla before walking quickly the next 6k to the next town here thankfully I find a convent to stay in,the heating is on the showers are seriously hot and I certainly feel like I've landed,I'm in heaven on earth!! I'm the only pilgrim staying the night and have the place to myself I'm too tired and it's too late to go out and get some food but I'm warm and comfy and very tired,goodnight :) when I wake up the sparrow is chirping away at me and obviously rested so I open the window and as soon as I do it quickly flies away into the distance rested and warm from sleeping in my jumper :)

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